The Waste-To-Energy Plant (Continued 7) For Daniel Newell and his wife......

Note: The Mind Can't Distinguish Between Imagination and Reality. 

Adrian was a doppleganger twin of Adam living in California where Death-With-Dignity and Human Composting

are laws on the books. Adrian was born with certain health problems that caused him to have to wear diapers full-time and to have his health begin fading at the young age of 13. He was born with severe dwarfism, and spinal problems. He wasn't expected to live past 20. Adrian was now 18, and his mother and father knew that Adrian wanted to die on his own terms. He said that he wanted to have his body dumped into a place where he would be utilized to generate electricity since the funeral industry hasn't yet implemented their new policies implementing the incineration of bodies and utilizing the bodies during the incineration process to generate electricity, 

like the waste-to-energy plants do. The Waste-To-Energy plant routinely excepted wastes in blackout bags that they couldn't see, nor tell what was inside the bag. Adrian's mother called the Covanta plant in Tulsa, OK and talked with the plant manager. He said that he would accept Adrian and his diapers, clothing and bedding on a walkin basis or if Adrian were placed inside a blackout trash bag, that was stuffed with his diapers and clothing so they can't tell what is inside the bag, they would take it. 

Adrians Mom: What if.....we decide to bring him and his diapers to the plant alive as a walk-in or in a pickup truck load? 

Plant Manager: Well, once you arrive, the scale-house will call me and I will get them to tell you to bring everything you have, down here for me to look at. I will take a look, then weigh the diapers and Adrian on one of our scales here. Then, once I weigh everything, you pay and then I will take Adrian and his diapers, clothing and bedding over to a pile or directly to the pit and drop everything in. Adrian has to stay in the pit area at all times. If he trys to climb out or down, someone will get him and toss him back. If he keeps doing that, we will just make sure that he is unable to move from there. He and the diapers may be there between 4 and 7 days to dry out some....while the crane operator mixes him his diapers and clothing with other wastes, like tossing a trashy salad. 

Adrian's Mom: Would Adrian begin to get mixed with the other wastes right away or...would he and his diapers wait for a few days? 

Plant Manager: Depends on what is going on with the loads of trash. 
If Adrian and his diapers and clothing happen to be mostly dry, then we may take him and them right away. Wet things don't burn as well, so we like to make sure everything is as dry as it can be. 

Adrian's Mom: Is.....there any.....trash haulers or facilities that....will take Adrian to the plant? 

Plant Manager: As.....a matter of fact, there me get you their contact info.....let me put you on hold. 

(Hold music plays for a few minutes before the Plant Manager comes back on the line) 

Plant Manager: (Continued) OK.....ready? 

Adrian's Mom: Yep....ready.....

The Plant Manager gives the contact info to The Newell Disposal company and suggested that she give them a call. Then he hung up and then Adrian's mom called The Newell Disposal and hauling company. The Phone rings a few times and then Daniel Newell Answers;

Daniel Newell: Newell Disposal....may I help you??? 

Adrian's Mom: Yes.....I have been given your number and email address because I have two diapered sons that I need to dispose of. I called the Covanta Plant and the manager there gave me your number. 

Daniel Newell: OH? He did huh? OK.....well, we offer a special disposal service for your unwanted diapered ones. Would you like to meet with us in person so we can discuss what kind of services you want? We can also show you how we take care of your diapered ones until their disposal. 

Adrian's Mom: Sure. May I go ahead and bring my two diapered sons and all of their things so that when I pay you, all I have to do is take them and everything to where they are going? 

Daniel Newell: problem. I will call my wife and let her know that she has two new clients. 

While Adrian's mom went to go pack all of her two diapered sons things and put everything into her minivan with her two very thickly diapered sons, (both wearing thick, bulky, crinkly, white, plastic-backed Huggies Diapers ) 
Adrian's mom had two cases of these diapers for Adrian and two cases of plastic-backed FITTI diapers for her youngest diapered son, JayJay.
Misses Newell and Daniel prepared a crib and a playpen for both Adrian and Jayjay who were both small enough to still fit into them. 

Adrian's Mom: OK boys, I am taking you, your diapers, onesie bodysuits, clothing over to a new daycare who will be....taking care of you until they no longer need you. They will be your new mommy and daddy for the time being. 

Adrian: What? You....don't want us? 

Adrian's Mom: Actually....Your dad and I just can't afford to diaper you any longer. You two go through a diaper every couple of hours! Adrian, you ...are a super-soaker! 

Adrian: But, But....MOOOOMY!!!! I....I don't wanna go! What is going to happen to Jayjay and I when we go there????

Adrian's Mom: Well, Mommy is going to....leave you, your brother and all of your diapers and clothing there and then, your new mommy and daddy will decide when they will throw you both away into the diaper pail for your disposal. 

Adrian: being....thrown away in the trash???? 

Adrian's Mom: Yes, I'm afraid so. That's what they... do in this program. Your new mom and dad will make sure you are used to generate lots and lots of electricity that we all need. 

Adrian's mom packs their SUV with everything that is going to The Newell Daycare and then gets Jayjay ready to go. 

Mom: OK...Jayay, Time to...get you all nice and ready for daycare. I am going to put you into just a onesie bodysuit and your shoes with no socks. 

Jayjay: Mom? 

Mom: Yes? 

Jayjay: You don't want us anymore? 

Mom: Sorry kiddo, Your father and I talked and it's just better this way. We have no other option, besides, Misses Newell and her husband will take care of you for a little while until they decide to throw you away. 

Mom gets the two (18 year old midgets that look like they are both 5 and 4) boys ready and then starts taking both of them to her Ford Excursion SUV. 
Then once everything belonging to each boy is packed, that the daycare will need while the two midget boys are there, she gets in, starts the vehicle, backs out and drives to the home daycare out in the rural and slightly remote area where Misses Newell and Daniel live. 
The 40 minute drive out to the Newell home daycare was solem and quiet. Mom turned the radio on as Jayjay falls asleep in his carseat. Adrian seems wide awake, looking out his window at where he was 
being taken with all of his diapers, clothing and his stroller. 
It wasn't much longer until Mom pulled up at the Newell Home-daycare and then turned the engine off, got out and opened the driver's side passenger door to get Jayjay to wake up and get out of the carseat so she could take the car seat out and set it by the curb. Then, once Adrian was out and standing by the door and his car seat was at the curb, mom woke up Jayjay, got him up and out of his car seat and standing next to his brother as she took Jayjay's car seat to the curb. Then mom shut the door and escorted both boys inside to Meet Misses Newell.

Adrian and Jayjay's mom and the two very thickly diapered miget man-boys come into the Newell Daycare and shut the door. Misses Newell comes into the entry area to greet their new clients.

Misses Newell: Hello there, welcome to The Newell Daycare, here for regular daycare services or our Daycare Program Services??

Adrian's Mom: Hi there, we called earlier about you taking my two man-baby boys? 

Misses Newell: Oh...Oh ok....Yes, right, ok....let's...step into my office area for a few and take care of some business while the boys go watch a movie with the others....

Misses Newell gets the two diapered midget boys seated in front of the movie before going back into her office space to talk business with Adrian and Jayjay's mom. After about 30 minutes or so, both Adrian's mom and Misses Newell come walking out of the office space talking about Adrian and Jayjay and how each one is sensitive to which diaper....and how they had to use cloth diapers on JayJay for a while until they found a disposable diaper that didn't irritate his skin. 

Misses Newell: Yep! I completely understand why you had to use cloth diapers. We do not use cloth diapers here though, their cloth diapers will simply end up in the trash with them.....Well? Here are....our four tier disposal plans. Each plan includes diapers, wipes, powder, trash bags, handling, and our time, seperate from the disposal fees. (Handing a printed list of disposal plans to Adrian's mom.) 

Adrian's Mom: (Looking the plans over) So, with....the Platinum plan, you offer a disposal plan with lots of diapers, meals and disposals in trash bags? 

Misses Newell: Well, I have a large box of blackout trash bags that we use when we have to bag everything so the waste-to-energy plant won't see everything. I end up bagging everything for disposal. The costs of trash bags, food, drinks, diapers, and daycare services is all covered in this plan. The ultimate goal is to take everything to the waste-to-energy plant. My husband likes it when their diapers are nice and squishy. He waits until there are between 1 and 3 full 13 gallon diaper pails before taking the diapers and Adrian out to either the 32 gallon daycare trash cans or to the dumpster.. In the Platinum plan, if we need to put Adrian into the trash compactor, inside the daycare, that is a service we provide. 
Would you like us to be able to put Adrian and his diapers into our compactor before going out to the dumpster? 

Adrian's Mom: Hmmmmmm, I certainly am on the fence about that. Since he will be your responsibility, I will leave that decision in your capable hands. I will pay for the platinum plan. 

Misses Newell: That sounds like a good choice. As soon as you sign his custodial papers over to us, I will sign them and send them out in tomorrow's mail. Once I have the custody, and everything is approved, his disposal clock ticks down. 

Adrian's Mom signs four documents, one for each of her boys and then the two midgets then she signs over four custody papers and then turns over their birth certificates. 

Adrian's Mom: That should do it. 

Misses Newell: Yes....good....they are all ours now. Once we get their final copies back, it will be time for disposal. 

Story Still in Developement 


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