How Daniel Newell and his wife Misses Newell would actually diaper me and then dispose of me from their home daycare.
Note: The Mind Can't Distinguish Between Imagination and Reality.
**The Author always puts himself in the story as a character and into the illustrations for COPYRIGHT reasons.
It was late in May when I went to go stay with Daniel Newell and his wife, Misses Newell for the summer. We had spoken over emails and over social media for years. They knew exactly what was medically happening to me. They had invited me to stay with them for a couple of months, at least until my disposal....
Misses Newell, had a lot of rules for me to follow......both Daniel and her had decided these rules in advance. As I arrived around 11:30 am, I came to their front door wearing a black thobe, with thick Crinklz diapers on, with my black high-top shoes on. I rang their doorbell and a few minutes later, Misses Newell opened the door.
Misses Newell: Hi there, welcome to....Our home daycare, glad you could make it.
ABA: I glad to make it. Thank you SO much for inviting me.
Misses Newell: Now that you are here.....My husband and I have some rules that we want to talk about while you are here. My Husband and I want you to know that a lot of these rules are non-negotiable.
ABA: O.....K.....(Walking with Misses Newell to a couch where she offers me a seat before sitting in an easy chair across from the couch.)
Misses Newell: First one....and...this one is a VERY important have to wear modified plastic-backed diapers at all times. We want you to wear them under your clothes around the house with them sticking out some so we can see you in them.
ABA: What happens when my diapers leak onto my clothes and blanket? I am a SUPER-SOAKER!
Misses Newell: Don't worry about it, happens ALL the time.
ABA: What about my....printed Adult diapers? My booster pads?
Misses Newell: We will throw those away with you when the time comes. You can use a few of them up before you and they are disposed of. The....second important rule is....You will wet as many diapers as possible while you are here. We will make you drink as much liquid as you can while you are here. Third, I will not be changing your diapers for you, YOU will do that. I will get you the diapers you need and I want you to modify as many as you need.
ABA: What happens when it's time for my disposal? Will I go into one of the 32 gallon diaper pails or will you take me out to the dumpster?
Misses Newell: Well, want, you can go into one of the 32 gallon daycare cans if you like, but once you are in there, you WILL have to stay in there until one of us comes to take you and everything to the dumpster. You won't be as comfortable in there as you would be in the dumpster.
ABA: How LONG....will I...have to be IN the 32 gallon can?
Misses Newell: Until one of us comes to empty it.
ABA: Who will come empty my diapers and I into the dumpster? You or Daniel?
Misses Newell: It could be me most likely, but it COULD be my husband Daniel.
ABA: What if Daniel does it? Will HE....carry me to the dumpster or make me walk and then climb into it?
Misses Newell: Either him or I will most likely walk you to the dumpster and help you in.
ABA: Will I...get the whole daycare services like storytime and playtime? Will I be able to go outside to play?
Misses Newell: We will work something out.....
ABA: Where will I be sleeping?
Misses Newell: I....was JUST about to get to that.....You will be sleeping on one of our daycare blankets on the floor.
ABA: Will the blanket I sleep on...get thrown away with me?
Misses Newell: Most likely.....yes. Now, You will take naps, you will stay on your blanket until after naptime and....if you need to change, I will bring you some diapers.
ABA: May I choose what diapers I wear?
Misses Newell: You mean what brand? Yes, you may. I will show you what brands we have.
ABA: May my wet diapers with me until my disposal day?
Misses Newell: Rolling eyes) Uuuh.....yes, I don't have a problem with that, They ARE YOUR diapers. husband and I both like to take a lot of pictures of you during your stay here, then we will take a lot of pictures of you, here in the daycare, in the diaper pail and the dumpster. Then on trash day, I take video of you as you are dumped into the hopper and then as you and the diapers get crushed. Fourth Rule, No getting up and walking around the house until one or both of us is up and around. Stay on your blanket. Either my husband or I will come and let you up.
Fifth rule, You have to use your diapers as they are intended, for everything.
ABA: You...mean that...I won't be able to use the toilet at all????
Misses Newell: That's correct. You will also have a choice of either a sippy cup or a baby bottle to drink from while you are here. Now....if my husband, Daniel comes home and says....time to...dispose of the diapered trash, then, it will be time for your disposal. No...ands, ifs or buts...about it. Understand?
ABA: Yes, miss. I do.
Misses Newell: Oh....and I forgot to tell you, If you want to be disposed of sooner, just tell me and I will check and or change your diaper then take you to the diaper pail...OK?
ABA: Yes miss. When will Daniel come home from work?
Misses Newell: Oh ....sometime in the evening......Now....looks like you need a diaper change......What kind of diapers would you like to wear?
ABA: What kinds are there???
Misses Newell: We have, Huggies Disney Print,
Pampers Ultra Dry and Pampers Baby-Dry,
Ultra Pampers Plus,
Luvs Deluxe,
Luvs Deluxe Phases for girls, (Below)
Luvs Phases For Boys (Below)
Luvs Baby Pants, (Below)
And we have some FITI diapers.
ABA: May...I have....two of the......Luvs Phases for boys, two of the.....Fitti and two of the.....Pink and white Pampers in x-large? I will pre-modify them to use on me.
Misses Newell: Sure....Need anything else while I'm here???
ABA: Eh...may I also have two of the Pink Luvs Deluxe and the Blue ones please? I will also need the white roll of Gorilla Tape and a pair of sharp scissors too please......
Just as Misses Newell hands ABA the stacks of requested diapers, a roll of white Gorilla tape,
and a pair of scissors,
and ABA sits down to modify each of the diapers so to fit him, her husband walks in.
Daniel Newell: Hey.....what is...he doing with those diapers?
Misses Newell: He is....modifying those diapers to fit him.
Daniel Newell: Ah...GOOD....they will be all nice and....squishy for my nice....trash truck on trash day! Make sure son, that you make those diapers NICE...and squishy for your trash day... ok? My trash truck and I...LOVE squishy diapers! I...can't....WAIT till it's trash day!
ABA: You....can't wait to compact my diapers and I???
Daniel Newell: Yeah....exactly! The...ONLY reason that you haven't been thrown away already, is so that you can make more nice and squishy diapers.....ONCE there are at least four full 13 gallon diaper pails, it will be time for your disposal. My wife will come and get you ready for your disposal.....when it's time.....
ABA: Will I be put into a diaper pail or taken out to the dumpster for my disposal?
Daniel Newell: Probably the dumpster. After you go in, the lids will close so you can't get out.
ABA: come to empty the dumpster, how long will it be before the diapers and I get to the landfill or the Waste-To-Energy plant???
Daniel Newell: You're going to the nice Covanta Waste-To-Energy Plant on trash day. (Goes over to ABA and feels his diaper) OH....yeah! You'll be nice and...squishy for disposal......
ABA: many diaper pails are full right now?
Daniel: Oh...(going around and checking the diaper pails) Out of 6 that we have......three are nearly full.
ABA: diaper pail count as one of the four???
Daniel: Yes it does. By the time yours fills up, it will be time for your disposal.
ABA: What will happen to the rest of my disposable diapers and all of my cloth diapers that I brought with me?
Daniel: They will all join you in the dumpster on trash day.
ABA: May I get a few of my...cloth diapers to play with or use inside my disposable diapers?
Daniel: No! They are trash and will be joining you on trash day in the dumpster. You may have them then.
ABA: How full is my diaper pail right now?
Daniel: (Going over to my diaper pail and looking down in) Oh about an 1/8 of the way full, there are a few diapers in there now. The rest of the diapers are in your playpen and once they are put into the pail, they may fill it half way.
Misses Newell comes over carrying a modified Huggies Thick diaper, π§·π§·πΌ, in size large
a tub of baby wipes,
and a bottle of baby powder.
Daniel: uh oh, looks like it's time to change your diaper.
Misses Newell: Yep! time to get into a nice, comfy dry diaper. Wet or not, you WILL change diapers every half hour to hour until your disposal. Here you go....Here, get onto your blanket, and after you change, it's naptime.
ABA: (Taking the changing supplies) my diapers, wet or not every half hour or hour?
Misses Newell: Yep! That way, you make more diapers for disposal. We LOVE squishy diapers.
ABA: After I am done changing, may I go outside and walk around the backyard?
Misses Newell: No, it's naptime and you have to stay on your blanket.
ABA lays down and begins to unfasten the tapes of his thick Crinklz diaper. As he unfastens the tapes, he pulls the diaper out from underneath his butt and tosses it aside on the blanket while he opens the new Modified Huggies Thick diapers and lifts up so he can put the diaper under himself. Then he lays back down onto the thick, crinkly, plastic-backed, vintage, modified Huggies diapers and then opens the tub of wipes and begins wiping himself with over 20 wipes, tossing each used wipe into the crotch of his clean, thick huggies diaper before grabbing the bottle of baby powder and shaking in a lot. Then he pulled the diaper up with all the powdery used wipes inside and partly sticking out of the leg elastics, and then fastened the tapes. A few minutes go by and Misses Newell came by to grab the tub of wipes and the baby powder.
Misses Newell: All done...changing? Want me to...throw your diaper away or would you like to keep it with you? Those diapers look good on you! NICE...and puffy! Wait until my husband sees you in them.
ABA: I...have to wear only my diapers around here???!
Misses Newell: Uh! It's one of our rules....remember? Now let me.....take a few pictures of you in those.....
Misses Newell takes some pictures of ABA wearing the Modified Thick Huggies Diapers while laying on the blanket. She walks around him, getting shots of just his diapers with some of the wipes sticking out of the right-hand leg elastics and standing over him.
Misses Newell: am sending these to my husband so he has copies....he just LOVES seeing how squishy your diapers are!
ABA: He can't wait to get my diapers and I into his trash truck huh? Does HE want to compact my diapers and I before I get dumped into the trash truck?
Misses Newell: It doesn't matter to him honestly
ABA: It doesn't? So, Misses Newell, compact me before I went into the trash truck? If so, how would you do so?
Misses Newell leans back up and then puts her iPhone away in her pocket.
Misses Newell: It's Naptime now.....I don't care if you sleep or not. You have to stay there on your blanket until I tell you you can get up or I come wake you if you fall asleep. want anything before I go?
ABA: Um....yes, could I get some....white milk please and a large amount of water?
Misses Newell: Of course you may. It will be in a sippy cup though.....
ABA shrugs his shoulders. Then Misses Newell goes to the kitchen and fills up a couple of tall baby bottles full of water then she fills a sippy cup full of milk then brings them to ABA.
Misses Newell: Now here you go....I want all three of these empty before naptime is over...ok? I will refill them after they are empty. Then, I want you to to keep drinking as much as possible until they are empty again. Alright?
ABA: OK.....I will.
Misses Newell: That's a good boy. We want lots and lots of nice, wet and squishy diapers from you can make. The more you make, the better it will be for you.Now I will check on you every few minutes, stay on your blanket....
ABA: What if I don't stay on ny blanket?
Misses Newell: Just "depends"
ABA: Depends on what? (Besides me....)
Oh and...who would walk me out to the daycare can or dumpster?
Misses Newell: I would walk you out since Daniel is at work. OK....lay down now....I will let you know when you can get up. Trll me if you need your diaper changed and I will get you a diaper, wipes and powder.
Misses Newell walks away and goes to do some stuff that she needed to do while every one is napping.
One of the things she did was get all of the diapers that ABA came with, sorted out. She tossed the bags of cloth diapers he came with, out in the 32 gallon daycare trash can with a bunch of other wet and dirty diapers. Then she stacked the printed diapers that he had left, up on the diaper cubby so she could get to them easier
Then she stacked the few modified Vintage Pampers, Luvs Deluxe Phases, and the Huggies that had been modified ahead of use, next to the stack of printed larger diapers. Then, Misses Newell filled out some forms at her dinner table pertaining to the disposal of ABA. She got every form filled out, then signed and the only thing she still had to do was get a few of the forms notarized. The Custody form, the Power of Attorney form and the Gaurdianship form as well as the "Special Waste Form" from the Waste-To-Energy plant. Two and a half hours had past and Misses Newell decided that it was time for ABA to change his diaper, wet or not, though, she knew they had to be a little wet seeing as how she gave him all that to drink. Misses Newell went over to the diaper cubby and grabbed a Modified Luvs Deluxe for Her diaper that was pink, the baby wipes, and the powder and then came over to ABA's blanket.
Misses Newell: ABA.....oh ABA, it's....time to change your diaper. I brought you a modified pink Luvs Deluxe for girls diaper nearly matches your would look kind of cute in pink! (Smirking)
ABA: (Groaning and stretching) It's time to...change already?
Misses Newell: Yep! You are going to change diapers every hour until your disposal. That way, you use up lots of diapers. Before you change, I take some pictures of your diaper..with it on you, and after you take it off and after you put the new diaper on. Then I want to take pictures of your wet diapers...before they are disposed of.
ABA takes the modified Luvs Deluxe pink diapers and begins to unfasten the tapes of the printed adult diaper before pulling the front down then lifting up and pulling the diaper out from under him. Then he took the modified pink Luvs diaper and opened it up, then lifted up again, sliding the modified diapers under himself before sitting into the thick, crincly, soft diaper.He then used a ton of baby wipes to clean himself off, tossing each used wipe, into the crotch of his pink luvs deluxe for girls diaper, before adding a lot of baby powder. Then he pulled the front of the modified diapers up, and fastened the tapes.
Misses Newell: There, all nice and comfy. Would me to...toss the wet diaper or would you like to keep it with you?
ABA: Um, toss it I think.
Misses Newell: Ok....No, stay on the blanket, I will toss your diaper. I see drank everything....good for you. Let me refill those for you....and I expect them to be empty again within the hour.
Misses Newell takes The Folded-over wet diaper to the 13 gallon rubbermaid can and drops it in then she comes and gets the sippy cups and the tall baby bottles and takes them to the kitchen to refill them. Once misses Newell fills up the teo tall baby bottles
and the sippy cup, she brought them all back to ABA and put them down next to his blanket.
Misses Newell: Now, I want...all of these empty within the hour....ok?
ABA: O...k miss Newell. I will try....
Misses Newell: If you empty those, then in an hour and a half, your diaper should be nice....and wet....and by that time (looking at watch) maybe my husband will be home. He will want to see you in a nice, soaking and squishy diaper!
ABA: When may I go outside into the backyard?
Misses Newell: Oh, maybe here in a little bit. I have others here that also want to go outside. Let them go first, then it will be your turn.
ABA: Could....I get one of my...onesie bodysuits to wear outside?
Misses Newell: You can go out there as you are.
ABA: But, but....Miss!
Misses Newell: No! want to go outside, you will have to go out there wearing what you have on or not at all. I like seeing your diapers.....I also want to see when they are wet. Besides, I already threw all of your onesie bodysuits away in the trash. I'm not getting them out.
ABA: You..threw my..onesies away? What about my....Two-piece Pajamas???
Misses Newell: I have not yet thrown them away. I may let you wear them a few times before they get thrown away. They...kind of look cute! Now, stay here on your blanket until we come back inside and I get everyone settled. I will come get you.
Misses Newell turns and leaves going to get her class of toddlers to go outside and play for a while. Once they are outside, ABA lays down on his blanket, and drinks up nearly 3/4 of the liquids in the bottles and half the water in the sippy cup.
ABA soon wets his diaper almost all the way up the back and partly up the front before it leaks onto the blanket. Unable to do anything about it, he just lays there, on his back, waiting for his turn outside. It now turned out to be nearly 4:00 pm by this time, and Daniel came home from running his trash route. He went outside to give Misses Newell some kisses, and to tell her a little bit about his day. Misses Newell listened before she told him a little about her day. Then Daniel asked about ABA. Misses Newell gave Daniel a detailed update before he came back inside. Daniel walked right over to the blanket, crouched down then began to feel the back of ABA's diaper, even feeling the inner padding to check it for wetness.
Daniel Newell: OH....YEAH! Just how I like it! All nice....and squishy! I almost wanna take you out now and toss just haven't made quite enough squishy diapees yet! Know what? gonna take you with me on my route, so that you can see what it is like.
ABA: Really? You aren't going to...put me into the back of the truck are you?
Daniel Newell: Oh...who knows....I might, but I will get you out before I run a cycle of the packer.
ABA: Are you going to bring enough diapers for me to change into?
Daniel Newell: (Rolling eyes) Yes....I will bring plenty of diapees for you. I still want you to change every hour.....
ABA: Where will I change?
Daniel Newell: Well, you....could...change in the hopper, or you could change in the cab.
ABA: Will I be allowed my diapers for my trash day if I want?
Daniel Newell: Well, Not this time.....After you change a diaper, it has to go right into the hopper so I can crush it. I don't want a bunch of...stinkin wet diapers in the cab with me.
ABA: May....I have a dry diaper please? I need to...change.
Daniel Newell: Let me...get my wife, she handles this sort of thing....stay right ...there and I'll get right back.
Daniel goes over to his wife and tells her that the disposee needs a dry diaper. She goes over to one of the cubbies that has a locking door on it and uses a key to unlock it, then takes out one of the printed adult sized diapers and one of the modified Huggies Thick diapers and the tub of baby wipes and hands it all to Daniel.
Misses Newell: Here.....take those over to him and give them to him. Since you are taking him on your route tomorrow, I will pack you his diaper bag and some drinks for him. Apple Juice, Cranberry juice and coffee. That will get a lot of wet diapers!
Tell him that he needs to modify the rest of the two packs of Huggies diapers and about half of the pack of Luvs Deluxe Phases for Boys and some of these Ultra Pampers Phases so he will have enough diapers.
Daniel Newell: Ok....
Daniel Newell brings the packs over to ABA and puts them down on his blanket.
Daniel Newell: My wife says you need to modify the rest of the two packs of Huggies diapers and about half of the pack of Luvs Deluxe Phases for Boys and some of these Ultra Pampers Phases so you will have enough diapers. Need anything else?
ABA: Yes... scissors and the big roll of Gorilla tape.
Daniel Newell: O...k...(Stepping away to go ask his wife where the scissors and the gorilla tape is) Um..babe, where are the scissors and the gorilla tape?
Misses Newell: They are.....up there on the top shelf above the cubbies.
Daniel goes over where they are, grabs them and brings them to ABA then puts them on the blanket near the diapers.
Daniel Newell: I want you to be nice and ready for the early morning wakeup call. I will carry you out to the truck and put you into the passenger seat if you are not awake enough yet.
ABA: What if my diapers are soaked?
Daniel Newell: I... don't get to go like that.
ABA: Could you get me six of my adult diapers please?
Daniel Newell: Sure...
Daniel goes over to the cubby where the diapers are kept and takes three of each and brings them them back to ABA and drops them onto the blanket.
Daniel Newell: Make these nice and squishy for me so that they are ready for my trash truck. I can't....WAIT till it's your disposal day son!
ABA: Why?
Daniel Newell: So I can....get you into my trash truck! I LOVE it when diapers pop! I LOVE putting squishy diaper trash into my truck and watching it getting all nice and...crushed! I will come take you when your diapee is nice and wet and squishy sometime in the mid-morning after my coffee ☕.
Misses Newell comes over to where her husband is and overhears some of what he said;
Misses Newell: ....and I....will come out to watch him dump you and pack you until you and the diapers stay inside the container....I also love seeing the diapers being crushed!
ABA: But, but....MISS!!!
Misses Newell: No....sorry.... that's just how it is hon. When you were brought here for disposal, you lost the ability to choose when you get disposed of, what you are disposed of wearing, and where you get thrown away. We enjoy disposing of diapers and diaper-trash. My husband and I like it when your diapers are nice and..... squishy! The squishier the better!
ABA: When may I go outside?
Misses Newell: (Looking at Daniel Newell then back at ABA) Well, modify six more diapers can go outside.
Daniel Newell: (reaching down and feeling ABA's diaper) Uh....huh....nice.....and ... squishy! Son, make sure that diapee goes right into the pail will ya before you go outside? Uh...babe, make sure that he changes and tosses his diapee into the pail.....
Misses Newell: Sure, no...problem.
ABA: Miss? is...there anything that you do to me and my diapers to get them ready for disposal?
Misses Newell: What do you mean hon?
ABA: Like....stuffing wipes into my diapers waistband or stuffing wet diapers into my diaper right before taking me to the trash can in here...?
Misses Newell: Yes, if there are diapers and wipes that need to be disposed of and there is no more room in the diaper pails when we take them out, then yes, your diaper may serve as a trash bag for disposal.
ABA: You...will let that to me?
Daniel Newell: Uh huh....yep! You...belong to ME now! I can do whatever I want with and to you!
Misses Newell: That's DO belong to my husband now. I have to do as he says to do with you. If.. he comes to me and tells me to take you to the dumpster, you...are going out and into the dumpster as you are....if .. he tells me that he wants you to wear some Modified Vintage Pampers, Luvs or Huggies diapers, then, that is what you will wear.
Daniel Newell: my trash truck happy....and make as many squishy diapers as you make a lot of squishy diapers, I...MAY let you stay a week longer so that you make more!
ABA: Where are you going to dispose of my diapers and I? (Looking at both Daniel Newell and Misses Newell)
The two look at one another;
Daniel Newell: You....will just have to....wait and see!
ABA: Oh come on....tell me....I...want to know if I am going into the 32 gallon daycare trash can or the big dumpster.
Daniel Newell: Well, I will decide which one is best when we take the diapers out in 12 to 24 hours from now.
ABA: Wait! I am being thrown away in 12 to 24 hours?
Daniel Newell: Yes, unless something comes up that stops it....
ABA: How come I have to go along with you in the trash truck?
Daniel Newell: Because.....I want you to see what it will be like from our point of view wife said she wants to get a short time by herself to get your things ready for disposal.
Daniel grabs the diaper bag that his wife hands him and he opens it to see how many diapers are inside.
There were only two modied Luvs Phases for Boys diapers in there
Daniel Newell: That's not going to be enough diapers for the much as he needs to change .....(grabbing six more modified Luvs Deluxe for Boys diapers
and four Kids R US diapers from the stack on top of the cubbies) There.....that might be enough....Son? You will be making a lot of nice, squishy diapers while you ride in the truck with me!
ABA: May....I go outside?? When is it my turn?
Daniel Newell: After you modify six more diapers, can go outside.
ABA: Do...I get to wear one of my....onesie bodysuits while I am outside?
Daniel Newell: No, you can go out there like that.
ABA: if....someone sees my diapers?
Misses Newell: Then, we will tell them that you are here for disposal and that you are using up diapers for us.
ABA: You will tell people that?
Daniel Newell: Yep!!! We sure will. Most of the parents that we know, like watching diapers and diapered trash being crushed and or burned. They would probably even come and watch you being crushed in my trash truck.
ABA: They....would???
Daniel Newell: Yes! In fact, they contribute to the loads of diapers and old baby clothing that we take on a weekly basis. They like knowing that everything that I put in my truck, is going to the nice Covanta Plant to be burned to generate useful electricity. (*see Waste-To-Energy Plant story)
ABA: Wait....My diapers and I...are going to get....burned?
Daniel Newell: Uh...huh..they ...sure are son! I...will even ask the crane operator to take you and the diapers as soon as possible....I will even film you until you fall down into the incinerator!!!! Alright....I will come and dump you into my trash truck and then pack you on trash day!
Daniel leaves and goes to take a shower and change out of his work clothes.
Misses Newell comes closer and looks at all of the packs of diapers ABA brought and the bags of onesie bodysuits, footed pajamas, as well as two-piece pajamas that were all waiting to go into the trash.
Misses Newell: You...sure have a...lot of clothes.....
ABA: I am...not the one who bought all of my clothes and diapers. They were all bought for me.....
Misses Newell: Well, they all...are going into the diaper pail and by the time you get back here, everything except your blanket and the diapers you saved, will be emptied into one of the diaper pails.
ABA: Will going into one of the diaper pails with my things?
Misses Newell: Most likely, will. Almost....done making that...6th modified disposable diaper?
ABA: Yes miss.'s ready to be used when I need it.
Misses Newell: Ok , now you can....go outside for an hour or so until I come and get you....that diaper....better be....nice and....wet by then....O...K... let's go....come with me...hon.....looking quite comfy in those....crinkly diapers.....(Misses Newell, slides the sliding glass door open and escorts ABA outside.) Would to go see the dumpster you will go into soon?
ABA: Um....sure....why not.
Misses Newell: Come ....with me then....when I come get you out of the daycare 32 gallon trash can, I will be taking you out through this gate, then out here to....(swinging the gate open and holding it so that ABA can walk through) this dumpster here. (Guiding ABA over to the dumpster before opening the left lid and letting it hang open) Smell....that???? You....and the diapers will be joining all of these diapers in here.....
ABA: How long will I be IN here before I get dumped into the trash truck?
Misses Newell: Good Question, to two days. I would like you to be in there as long as possible so that you get used to the smells......wheeeeew! Stiiiiinky!
You...and your diapers will be going right into this stinky dumpster about 2 or 3 days before the trash truck comes.
ABA: (Stepping forward and peering down inside) make me...stink as bad as everything in there when I go in there?
Misses Newell: Yes hon, it will. It won't matter though because you are part of the load of diapers and trash.
ABA: Do you do any compacting of the diapers in the dumpster?
Misses Newell: If it's full yes but rarely.
ABA: What do you use to crush everything and would you when I am in there?
Misses Newell: A bobcat with a bucket on the front. Like I told you it depends OK, let's go back to the backyard for a while and I will let you play on the playground until it's time to go inside.
ABA and Misses Newell go back to the backyard and she leads him over to the playground where there is a slide, some swings and where the tricycle and toys are.
Misses Newell: I know you are too big for some of these toys, so be careful with the ones you choose. I would prefer that you play on the slide and the swings.
ABA: Ok miss Newell.
Misses Newell: You look cute in that diaper. I like how it crincles as you walk. You are sure making a lot of nice, wet diapers for disposal. My husband can't wait to see you in the dumpster!
ABA: and your husband like crushing diapers?
Misses Newell: Yes....we do! We like making lots of wet and messy diapers so that everything gets crushed and taken to the nice Waste-To-Energy Plant where you and everything will be burned to generate useful electricity.
ABA: So....are there others that are brought here to be disposed of?
Misses Newell: We get a few coming here to be disposed of from time to time. We have disposed of quite a few so far.
ABA:'ve done this before?
Misses Newell: Yep! First ones, we put into one of our burn barrels at our old place, then we took a few to the Covanta Plant in my husband's trash truck. The Covanta Plant sure took the diapered disposees almost right away. Hey...looks like your diapers leaked you want to change?
ABA: (Looking down at his diapers and all around trying to find the leak) Where did my....diaper leak miss?
Misses Newell: (Walking up to the right side of ABA on the slide and pointing to the liquids running down from the leg elastics) Right.....there hun. Do you want to change or do you want to wait until we go inside?
ABA: I can wait miss Newell.
Misses Newell: Alright, suit yourself. That diaper will just be....nice....and... squishy....remember how this feels hon, how your diapers will feel when it's time for disposal.
ABA: You mean....that ...I will be thrown away when my....diapers are wet?
Misses Newell: Yep! That's exactly what that means.
ABA: What if....I wanted to be disposed of earlier than expected?
Misses Newell: We can take care of that, sure....I won't mind a bit! Is...that what you want?
ABA: No....not just yet. Your husband said that he wanted me to make him a lot of squishy diapers and that takes time.
Misses Newell: True, does. Besides, I...enjoy looking at all of your...cute diapers. In fact, I want you to....wear a modified Pink Luvs Deluxe for girls diaper for me. It will nearly match your skin tone.
Misses Newell takes out her iphone and takes some pictures of ABA sitting on the slide showing his diapers.
ABA: How take so many pictures of my diapers and I?
Misses Newell: Because, we like being able to remember how wet, squishy and how cute you looked in your squishy diapers.
Just then, Misses Newell's cellphone rings and she answers it.
Misses Newell: Newell Daycare may I help you? .....Uh huh .....(walking away from ABA and over to the other side of the backyard)
Daniel Newell: I didn't want him to hear this, but......I have changed my mind.....instead of taking him with me to work, I have decided not to take him. He will just be disposed of either next week or the week after. That way, he will make plenty of wet, messy squishy diapers!
Misses Newell: Oh....ok....should I...tell him or ......not?
Daniel Newell: No, don't tell him. Do tell him though, if ...I go to the Waste-To-Energy plant and the manager tells me that they need more wet trash, then, I will come get him, his diapers and take him for disposal. It might be sudden. I will call you once I know, ok babe? Oh...and....before I forget, can you have him change more often? I want him to change every 30 to 40 minutes until it's time for his disposal.
Misses Newell: Sounds good. I will have a talk with him. I will let him know to change more too. Hey, I love you. Talk when you get home.
Misses Newell hangs up and puts her phone in her pocket before coming back over to ABA.
Misses Newell: Ok....hon, you need to change your diapers now every 30 minutes to every 40 minutes, wet or not until it's time for your disposal. We need you to make more squishy diapers for disposal.
If my.....husband comes and needs some nice, wet diapers for disposal, then he will be taking you to the Waste-To-Energy plant. He said it may be... sudden and without notice.
ABA: You mean....that he could come and take my diapers and I at any time?
Misses Newell: (nodding her head) Yyyep! That's exactly what I mean. My husband said he wants you to make more diapers for disposal. So, you get to change every half hour or so, wet....or not.
ABA: What if my diapers aren't wet? Do I still have to....throw them away?
Misses Newell: Yes, you do. Once you have worn them, wet or not, they are trash, and that goes for anything you wear and use while you are here.
ABA: Even my....onesie bodysuits, footed pajamas, two-piece pajamas???
Misses Newell: Yes hon, everything. It.... doesn't matter. Everything of yours is...trash. OK.....let's get you inside and get your diaper changed.....OK sweetie? Need help down?
ABA: I...think I have it.....(jumping down off the slide.
Misses Newell: My....goodness! That...was a big jump! Now....what diaper would you like when we get inside? Luvs, Huggies or Pampers?
ABA: of my.....Huggies Thicks diapers and may I get ine of my.....printed adult diapers to go over my modified Huggies diaper?
Misses Newell: Sure. I don't see a problem with that. (Opening the sliding glass door and guiding ABA inside before going in and sliding the door closed and locking it and then adding a stick to the side to keep the door from opening) go get your diapers, wipes and do you want some baby powder?
ABA: Yes please.
Misses Newell goes and gets the modified Huggies Thicks diapers
the wipes
...and the baby powder
and she brings everything over to the blanket that ABA is sleeping on.
Misses Newell: O....K sweetie, here are your.....diapers, wipes and powder. Get changed and then it will be time to...make some more of your modified diapers before you go for a nice nap. (Misses Newell receives a text on her iphone 11 and it's from Daniel. She reads; "Is his diaper nice and squishy? "
Misses Newell: Yes, he is just changing it now.
Daniel: Take pictures of him changing it and of his wet diaper.
Misses Newell:
Daniel: I can't wait to dispose of him and his diapers!
Misses Newell: I know, me too.)
Misses Newell: OK sweetie, I am taking pictures of you, your diapers as you change for my husband. He wants the pictures and so do I.
ABA: and your husband love disposing of us and our diapers???
Misses Newell: (Rolling Eyes) Yes hon, We can't WAIT to get you and your diapers into the trash and then to my husband's trash truck. My husband and I like watching you and your diapers being popped as they get squished. When I take the garbage out to the dumpster, you belong to my husband. I may come out to watch as he dumps you into the hopper and then I will watch you getting crushed by the packer blade before I go back inside.
ABA gets done changing diapers, snapping his snaps in the crotch of his onesie bodysuit and then pulling his pants up, and then Misses Newell takes lots of pictures of ABA's wet diaper then she makes ABA stand up so she can take pictures of him and his diapers.
Misses Newell: O...K, I need you to ....stand up for I can take a bunch of pictures.
ABA: Why so many pictures?
Misses Newell: Be....cause, they go into your ....disposal file in our conputer. We keep logs and files on every single one of you that we have disposed of.
This way, if something happens, our butts are covered like your diapers do!
Besides, my husband and I enjoy watching your diapers being disposed of.....and we like to look back and enjoy it all over again. going to want me to ..throw your diaper away or do you ...want to keep it with you?
ABA: What do YOU want to do with it?
Misses Newell: Well, personally, I would throw it away, however, it is your which will it be?
ABA: Well, Go ahead and...throw it away.
Misses Newell grabs the diaper and carries it over to the diaper pail and drops it in then comes back.
Misses Newell: Those diapers look....cute on you. Next diaper I want you to wear, is one of the Luvs Deluxe for girls diapers. They look so cute on you.
ABA: Would allowed to wear my adult diapers over them?
Misses Newell: No....I want to see the pink diapers. I don't care if they leak or not. Besides, you will be changing them after 30 to 40 minutes anyhow, wet or not.alright....I want make as many modified Pampers, Luvs and Huggies Diapers as you can before naptime. need anything to drink? Looks like two of your bottles are empty, let me.....go refill them for you....I want those diapers you have on, to get nice and wet by naptime....
Misses Newell goes to refill the three adult sized baby bottles while ABA finishes modifying two more Luvs Deluxe For Girls diapers. Then ABA started on the Huggies diapers that Misses Newell had given him that were clothlike. Then misses Newell comes back with the three tall baby bottles and puts them down on the blanket.
Misses Newell: got four modified Luvs Deluxe for girls diapers done. Now, once you get done modifying those Huggies, I want you to start modifying a few of these ..(reaching over and grabbing a few of the Pampers Baby-Dry size 6 diapers and dropping about 6 single diapers in a stack, down in front of ABA) Pampers Baby-Dry diapers.
ABA: many modified diapers misses Newell?
Misses Newell: Because, they look cute on you and....they crinkle so loudly when you walk. I like hearing that rustling and crinkling as you move. I can hear where you are a little easier. Besides, these diapers bulk up more than the modern diapers do. Better for my husband's trash truck compactor. Oh, when my husband gets home, he will want to check to see how wet and squishy your diapers are. They better be....nice ...and wet....
ABA: What would happen if they aren't?
Misses Newell: He would make you drink that your diapers get wet and then he will re-check you.
ABA: How much longer until I get disposed of?
Misses Newell: I...will get back to you on that. I will ask my husband. The trash has already been dumped this week, so, honestly, maybe this week....
ABA: Will I go into one of the....smaller diaper pails or out to the dumpster?
Misses Newell: We shall see what my husband wants done with you. Now, it's time to change your diaper again....(looking at watch.)
ABA: Seems like.....I JUST changed...
Misses Newell: It's been 42 minutes since your last change, time to change.
(Hands ABA a modified Luvs Deluxe for girls diaper. )
Misses Newell: Here, put this on.....then, drink some of your bottles for me.....OK?
ABA takes the diaper then lays down on the blanket, he pulls his pants down, then pulls his shirt up, before peeling each of the tapes back and sticking them back to their tabs. Then he opens the wipes and he takes out a wad of wipes and then pulls the mostly dry front of his slightly wet diaper down and begins to wipe himsrlf down, dropping each used wipe into the diaper. Then he pulls the folded-over diaper out from under himself and moves it to his left side before he opens the new, clean, modified Luvs Deluxe for girls diaper, slides ot underneath himself then sits onto it. Then he shakes some baby powder onto himself before setting the baby powder bottle down and pulls the front of the crinkly pink Luvs diaper up and fastens the tapes.
Misses Newell takes more pictures of ABA with the clean diaper on after she took 12 pictures of him with the wet one on and ehile changing it. Then ABA snaps the snaps in his now pee-stained onesie bodysuit, before pulling his pants up.
Misses Newell: texted back and he said that.....on Friday, you get disposed of. Today is Wednesday. So, you only have all of tomorrow then Friday at noon or around the time lunch is.
ABA: Did he tell you where he wants me disposed of?
Misses Newell: Yes, 32 gallon can then the dumpster.
ABA: The...small 32 gallon can outside....half full of diapers?
Misses Newell: Uh huh..that's the one....
ABA: You...look as are enjoying that.
Misses Newell: actually. I can't wait till I get to take you out there and put you into that nice, stinky trash can full of diapers! I will make sure up diapers in the...5 gallon can and one of our....13 gallon bring out with us. Most...likely most of your own....diapers.
So, you better drink all..of that you have in those three bottles and the sippy cup! I don't care if you have to...gulp it!
ABA: O....K...miss. (Opening the lids and guzzling down the milk, then the Apple juice then the water before taking a breath.) you wanted?
Misses Newell: Yes! Better. Now, I will refill them for you.
ABA: Could.....I at least go see where the uh...32 gallon can IS?
Misses Newell: Sure....during naptime.
ABA: Do.....I still have to take a nap?
Misses Newell: do. I will come take you to go see where you will go near the end of naptime.
ABA: Do....I...have to wear clothing in the....trash can?
Misses Newell: can wear....whatever you want or...don't wear what you want.
ABA: When may I...take off my clothing for disposal?
Misses Newell: Well, when we are next to the can, before you go in, I can help take off anything you don't want to wear and then once everything you want off, is off, I will help you into the can and then I will empty the 5 gallon can in on you then as much of the 13 gallon can as I can get in there.
ABA: What will you do with my clothes?
Misses Newell: They will go into the regular trash in our kitchen compactor.
ABA: Does the....32 gallon can have a lid?
Misses Newell: Yes, in does. I will be putting it on and strapping it down on you so that it can't be taken off except by myself or my husband.
ABA: Why?
Misses Newell: Because....we don't want the trash getting all over the place and we don't want you walking around. Once you are in the have to stay there.
Misses Newell goes to refill the sippy cup, and the three bottles then brings them all back. She puts them all down on ABA's blanket.
In....about ...20 minutes, it will be time to...change your diaper again. I want you to wear a modified Pampers Baby Dry diaper for me....OK?
ABA: Why...that one?
Misses Newell: Be....cause....I...said so....that's why. Drink two more of your....bottles for me....and then....would you like anything to eat?
ABA: Yes Miss, I...haven't eaten anything since I came.
Misses Newell: What....would you like?
ABA: Ummmm, how Egg salad sandwich with Chicken and Cheese?
Misses Newell: O....K.....I...will see if we have that.....
Misses Newell goes to the kitchen and opens the refrigerator to see if she has any egg salad sandwiches or egg salad. She looks and sees some chicken slices and some cheese, she takes them out and sets them on the counter. Then she takes out the mayonaise. She makes the Chicken and Cheese sandwich adding the mayo. Then she brings the sandwich to ABA.
Misses Newell: Here...ya't eat that you?
ABA: No.....I don't ...My stomach is small and my body doesn't require that much. I only need about...oh 1500 calories a day...some of that comes from water and things I drink.
Misses Newell: You're right....and you DO know....that .....when you have to go.....number 2, you have to go in your diaper....right? part of
ABA: (rolling eyes) yeah....I know miss!
Misses Newell: I want you to....start putting all of your....saved diapers into this....5 gallon trash can for that....they are easy to take out on friday.
(Setting the 5 gallon trash can next to ABA's blanket.) Then, I.....want come with me...for a few minutes so I can....weigh you. My husband wants to know how much you weigh so he will know how much to pay the waste-to-energy plant.
ABA: (Getting to his feet) I...have to???
Misses Newell: Yes! You....DO! Now! Come stand on the scale...oh...would you mind taking off for me first?
ABA sits and takes his shoes off, then stands up before Misses Newell pushes him up and onto the scale.
The scale reads 168 lbs.
Misses Newell: Well. That is almost equal to three or four full 32 gallon cans full of diapers...with each can weighing between 40 and 55 lbs of course.
ABA: Is...this a...good thing?
Misses Newell: means that....your weight will add more overall weight to that load in my husband's trash load. That will make him have to pay a little your shoes and cone back to your's time to change your diapers again.
ABA: It's been 40
Misses Newell: (With her right hand in ABA's back, guiding him) Yyyep! (Going over to the shelf and grabbing a vintage plastic-backed modified Pampers Baby-dry diaper and handing it to ABA along with ine of the Nursery Print adult diapers. ) Here....put these on.....
ABA:!!!! Those are THICK!
Misses Newell: Yeah...but they look cute on you.....oh and just a reminder, tonight is disposal day for what you can while you can.
ABA: Who will change my...last diaper?
Misses Newell: Either will or my husband will ....IF he wants you changed.....oh, and from now on, you have to leave any used wipes, in your clean husband wants it that way.
ABA: Awwwwe! Come....ON!
Misses Newell: Now....NOW! Trash can't complain! I don't hear your...diaper complaining that it's getting pissed in or thrown away! Go! Go change....your diapers before ny...husband gets home! I want those to be somewhat wet by then!
ABA is guided over to his blanket where he sits down and begins taking his pants off, then he unfastens the snaps in the crotch of his onesie bodysuit before rolling it up enough to access the slightly wet Pink, modified LUVS deluxe for girls diaper.
He unfastens the tapes and then pulls the front of the mostly dry diaper down. He lifts up as he pulls the modified Pink, Luvs deluxe for girls diaper out from under his butt before setting it aside.
Misses Newell: (Handing ABA a package of wipes) Here....remember what I husband wants the used wipes going into your....clean diapers from now on....
ABA: Uuuuuh! But....they ..are COLD and.....dirty!
Misses Newell: Shhhhhhh! It...doesn't matter which diaper they go into, they all are going to the same place with you.
You only have frim now, until almost noin tomorrow before you are thrown away when I change a bunch of our daycare regulars. Aren'
ABA: (Smirking) Nooooo!
Misses Newell: husband and I are!!!! I for one...can't WAIT to get you out there and into the trash can! That is one step closer to getting you and your diapers to the covanta plant where you and they will help generate lots of electricity along with everything else that is there!
ABA opens the Nursery Print Adult diaper then slides it underneath his butt before reaching over and grabbing the Modified
( )
Vintage Pampers Baby-dry size 6 diapers and opening them up and sliding them underneath his butt inside the inner leg cuffs of the adult diaper. Then he layed down, opened the pack of baby wipes, and began to use five large, wet, wipes to wipe himself clean, dropping each used wipe into the crotch of the clean Vintage Pampers Baby-Dry diaper.
Misses Newell: There....ya go! That's the way we want it! Use more wipes! Use as many as you can! Stuff that...diaper!
ABA: But....but....BUT ....MISS!
Misses Newell: No! No...buts! When I change one of our clients, I WILL stuff the wipes into your diaper...since you and they are....going to the same place! It's...just how it is when you are being thrown away.
ABA uses about a total of 60 baby wipes, tossing them into the crotch of his diaper before pulling front of the diaper up and fastening the tapes. Then as ABA began to pull the front of the printed adult diaper up, misses Newell noticed how a bunch of the wipes were sticking out of the left-side leg elastics of the vintage, plastic-backed modified, Pampers Baby-Dry diapers. As ABA pulled the front of the adult diaper over, the wipes now stuck out from those leg elastics as well! The more ABA moved, the more the wipes got shoved out from the leg elastics. As ABA fastened the tapes of the adult diaper, then stood up to put his pants back on, a few of the wipes fell out and onto the floor.
Misses Newell: Oops! Here....I'll....get those for you.....(Misses Newell picks up the five wipes and then stuffs them back into the left-side leg elastics.) There....all....better! can.....leave your pants off... and want to wear your....onesie bodysuit for disposal or....have it taken off? You have between 40 minutes and an hour to decide. My...husband JUST texted me and said he was on his way home and that he wants you....and all of your diapers in one of the diaper pails for the night!
ABA: Wait! What? I thought that I was going to be...thrown away tomorrow!
Misses Newell: Yes, true. You will go...from the....diaper pail, into the uh....32 gallon can outside tomorrow. .Tomorrow, I will take out all of the daycare diapers for disposal. My...husband will be home here shortly.....I will wait until he gets here to...put you into the diaper pail.
ABA: May I...sit or lay next to the diaper pail?
Misses Newell: (Texting the question to Daniel's phone then a few minutes later, the answer comes back) Probably not
ABA: I have to....sit inside or on the stinky diapers?
Misses Newell: Yes, that's the way my husband wants it.
ABA: to...throw the left-over clean diapers of mine away?
Misses Newell: Yes...yes I will.
ABA: But, but....please! They are clean!
Misses Newell: They all are trash now. As...soon as Daniel comes home, takes a shower, he will be here to deal with you....and whatever he wants thrown away. Until then, stay there on the blanket....ok?
ABA: What...else would I do?
Misses Newell walks back to the daycare and begins changing a few more wet diapers before the clients are picked up. A few minutes later, Daniel Newell opens the back door and walks in, shutting the door. Suddenly, an onslot of "Daddy!! Daddy! Daddy!" Is heard, the little ones grabbing thighs while the talker ines jump and doen, excited to see their daddy, and Daniel hugging and kissing each and every one while sighing before asking;
Daniel Newell: How was everybody today?
Misses Newell: (Getting her kiss on the lips from her husband) was....interesting.....overwise....good.
Daniel Newell: Good....good....glad to...hear it.
Misses Newell: How was work?
Daniel Newell: know....the
Misses Newell: (Taking a deep breath and letting it out fast) I...know you just got I just wanted you to know, after your shower and everything, there is the trash that needs disposal.
Daniel Newell: (Rolling eyes) shower ....
While Daniel goes to take his shower, ABA sits inthe blanket still wearing the thick, bulky, crinkly, white NorthShore Care Supply Supreme Overnight diaper with a modified Vintage, plastic-backed Pampers Baby-Dry size 6 diaper on underneath with his Alpaca print onesie bodysuit on and nothing else.
About 40 to 42 ninutes later, Daniel comes walking over to the blanket that ABA is laying on. He looks down and sees ABA wearing only the onesie bodysuit with thick diapers on underneath.
Daniel Newell:'s disposal time for you...son! Now....I want....that.....onesie off ya!
Daniel reaches down, grabs ABA by the left arm, and pulls him up to his feet. Then he begins to reach down to unfasten the snaps in the crotch before nearly ripping the onesie off, tearing it down the left side.
ABA: HEEEY!!!! My...onesie!!!
Daniel Newell: I...don't care about it! It's trash to me! (Wadding the torn onesie up) Now....time to go to the nice.....dirty diaper pail for disposal. Ok....let's....go....come.....on!!!
Daniel Newell nearly drags ABA over to the black 13 gallon diaper pail that is nearly full and forces him to sort of sit and lay across the narrow opening.
ABA: Uuuuh! Ooof! Ouch!
Daniel Newell: Now...don't .....get...up from there! Hear me?
ABA: What happens....if I..DO?
Daniel Newell: I...wouldn't.....wanna find....OUT! You better....get comfy in there for the night! Tomorrow, you and everything in there ...are going out to the 32 gallon can....
ABA: Even rains?
Daniel Newell: Yep! I don't care what happens to you or anything out there! You and everything are going into my....hungry trash truck which is going to eat you and all....of these stinky diapers! I don't wanna hear a peep out of you all night until one of us takes you out to the 32 gallon trash can! Got it?
Daniel Newell leaves and soon, all of the regular daycare clients have been picked up and then dinner is cooked and aerved before the dishes are cleared, cleaned and put away. Both Daniel and Misses Newell come to look at ABA in the black diaper pail to see if he is still in there before going to the living room to watch TV.
Then their own children are put to bed and the house goes dark.
ABA is trying to get comfortable as he lays across the open 13 gallon can full of diapers. Tossing, turning, rolling slightly left, then to the right.....ABA had the hardest time getting much sleep. Around 5:30 to 6:00 am, someone got up and began to walk to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. Daniel Newell comes over to the 13 gallon diaper pail where ABA is laying acrossed the opening and sees he is still there.....then he goes outside to smoke a cigarette.
After he is done, he comes back in and sits at the table, sipping his morning coffee for a bit, while getting ready to go on his daily trash route. Daniel gets done drinking his coffee then before he goes on his trash route, he comes over to the diaper pail and pushes down on ABA's diaper to force it further down into the pail so to make a little more room for a few more diapers.
Daniel Newell: There! Now.....there is a little more room for a few more diapees.
See YOU soon, in the 32 gallon can when I get back from work!
Daniel leaves and goes to work, while Misses Newell gets her children ready for the day. She goes to the bedroom and grabs their toddler child and changes their wet diaper then brings it over to the diaper pail that ABA is in. Misses Newell tosses the open vintage Pampers plastic-backed baby-dry diaper onto ABA's diaper before going to change the next diaper.
Once misses Newell gets her school-aged children off to school, the diapered ones are left at home. Misses Newell brings one of ABA's modified diapers to the diaper pail, yet seeing that it is full, she tosses it down on tip of the ones on the floor in front of the pail.
Then misses Newell walks back to her daycare.
ABA doesn't see her again until around 10:00 when she changes quite a few diapers.
ABA: Miss Newell?
Misses Newell: Yes?
ABA: How many more.....diapers are going in here???
Misses Newell: A few.....
ABA: How...much longer do I have to be like this???
Misses Newell: hour or so....
You know, I wish you could fit into our kitchen compactor! It would be SO much better! See you soon....
Misses Newell goes back to the daycare and right around 11:40 am, she comes back to take all of the diaper pails outside.
Misses Newell: OK sweetie, it's time for your....disposal. Stand up, come on, get up so I can get you and all of these...diapers, into the 32 gallon diaper pail outside.
Daniel Newell: (Coming over to help) Why don't you stuff a few of those diapers into his diaper so that he can carry them to the dumpster? He is basically wearing a trash bag.....
Misses Newell: Yeah, that's a good idea....(stuffs a couple of the wet, folded-over modified Luvs Phases for Boys diapers into the rear waistband of ABA'S diaper, also stuffing quite a few used baby wipes down into the back of his diaper via the waistband.)
Then misses Newell grabbed ABA by his left arm, and marched him outside and over to the side of the back porch next to some latice...before forcing him to lay into the trash can full of diapers.
While ABA layed in the 32 gallon diaper pail, misses Newell tossed in a bunch of loose, wet and messy disposable diapers from the 5 gallon trash can on top of ABA.
ABA: Hey!!!! Gees! Those....stink! Don't put those next to me!
Misses Newell ignored ABA as she continued to toss in more diapers.
ABA: Do the go all over me?
ABA: May I....get ....out of here???
Misses Newell: Uh...No! You....have to stay in there once you are in there. You are trash now. I.... don't care what happens to you in there!
ABA: When going to take this can-load out to the dumpster?
Misses Newell: When it gets full, and seeing how it is nearly full now, it may be tomorrow.
ABA: Will you...dump me into the dumpster or get me out and make me get into the dumpster?
Misses Newell: Probably take you out, walk you over there and make you get into the dumpster.
ABA: Are...the...sides of the dumpster high off the ground?
Misses Newell: Well, sort of. You will struggle to get in, but I will help you hon.
Misses Newell leaves the lid off, then walks away, leaving ABA in the diaper pail with diapers piled on top of him. ABA sort of moves around some in the pail and as he shifts, some of the diapers on top of him shift down to the waistband of his diaper. One of the LUVS Phases for boys diapers slides down into the front waistband of his diaper sort of tucking itself in. ABA falls asleep for a little while before misses Newell comes back over with four soaking wet folded over disposable diapers. She tosses them in and they plop down onto ABA's diapered waist.
ABA: (Feeling Startled) Oooh! Uuuuh! Who...oh....more....diapers for disposal.
Misses Newell: Yyyep! You and all the diapers will be going out to the dumpster tomorrow. Get ready hon, it may be ....another few more days before my husband's trash truck comes to dump you. My husband wants to see you after I take you out to the dumpster, something about making sure your diapers are nice...and squishy.
Misses Newell walks away and goes to make snacks for her regulars. ABA lays in the diaper pail with his legs dangling over the side, trying to feel a little comfortable as he gets used to the cold wet diapers resting upon his chest, stomach and his diapered pelvis. ABA begins to fall back to sleep and it seems not too long before misses Newell comes back over to the diaper pail to toss in four more heavy, wet diapers. Then, misses Newell used her exam gloved hands to push down four times onto the diapers and ABA to make more room on top for a few more diapers.
ABA: (Waking up suddenly) UUUUUUH! Hey! UUUUH! What.....UUUUH! DOING??? UUUUUUH! Quit it!
Misses Newell: Sorry, have to make more room in there for more diapers! I have to do this a few more times before the trash is taken out. Get used to it!
Misses Newell goes to get the 5 gallon bathroom trash can
then brings it over to the 32 gallon diaper pail where ABA is. She comes over with the 5 gallon can and she sets it down next to the 32 gallon can for a few minutes so that she can press down some more to make more room in top for the load from the 5 gallon can.
ABA: Awe! MAN! UUUUUUUUH! UuuuuH! UUUUUh! Uh! Uh! Uh!
Misses Newell pushes down hard on the front of ABA's diaper smashing it down quite a bit and nearly hurting his balls and penis inside.
ABA: Ouch! OUCH! UUUUUUUUH! Quit....IT! Ouch!!
Misses Newell: I make more room in there for all of these diapers!
Now I LOVE smashing your diapers! They need it too! If ONLY you could fit into our kitchen compactor, it would make things a lot easier.
Misses Newell empties the 5 gallon diaper pail into the 32 gallon dumping the diapers around ABA's head and neck since that is where the most room was. Then misses Newell used her gloved hands to push down on the diapers around ABA's head and neck making it hard for ABA to turn or move his head.
Misses Newell: Get....used to it. I don't care... Good thing too, you will be nice and stinky and ready for the nice dumpster, like the rest of the diapers and trash!
Misses Newell takes the now empty 5 gallon can back to the bathroom and goes to put her regulars down for a nap.
Around 2 hours later, after naptime, there was another round of six folded-over wet diapers brought over to the can ABA was in. Misses Newell tossed them in on top of ABA's face being that is where the only space available was. Then misses Newell walked away and went back to the main daycare area. About an hour later, misses Newell and one of the parents of two of misses Newell's regulars, came over to the nearly full diaper pail with a pair of legs dangling over one side, and misses Newell tossed in a couple more folded over, wet disposable diapers. The Parent saw the legs dangling over the side and wondered why they were there.
Parent: Is....that....a pair of legs?
Misses Newell: Yes, they are. We have to dispose of this diapered person for one of our clients. They paid us to throw him away for a government approved disposal program that we are a part of.
See...clients bring us their unwanted diapered ones, and we dispose of them and take everything to the Covanta Plant where they generate useful electricity from it all.
Parent: I....see. What...if I knew somebody who...wants to throw their diapered one away?
Misses Newell: Then once you have them signed up with the government program, and you pay us for daycare service and trash service, then it could be a day to a month before their diapered one gets thrown away depending on how soon they want them disposed of.
Parent: So, that diapered boy or man is legally being thrown away?
Misses Newell: Yyyep! My husband takes the trash to the Covanta Plant who uses it to generate electricity that we all use.
The plant managers there accept the diapered people we bring there. Sometimes they.....take everything right away or they scrape it all into the pit and let it dry out for 3-5 days before taking it. The crane operator mixes and tosses the trash like a trashy salad until it's nice and....dry!
Parent: How much did they pay you to....throw him and his diapers away?
Misses Newell: About...$3,000.
Parent: Gees! That sure is a lot.
Misses Newell: Yeah, our clients that send us these people, have deep pockets so, this is like $3 to them.
Misses Newell then walks back into the daycare with the parent, still talking about disposing of someone, and then about 4 hours later, Daniel comes home from the trash route.
Daniel greets his children and his wife and then he goes to take out another full 13 gallon diaper pail. He takes the full 13 gallon diaper pail outside to where the 32 gallon can with ABA inside, is.
He sees how full the 32 gallon can is getting.
ABA: HEY! Let me....out of here! Please????
Daniel Newell: NO! Not....a....chance! YOU are MY diapered trash NOW son! Later on will go into the dumpster with all the OTHER diapers! (Leaning over to take a quick wiff) Wheeeew! You.....stiiiiink! Yeah.....better get ya out to the dumpster! First, I wanna see just how NICE and squishy your diapee is.....
(Daniel reaches under some of the layered diapers and feels the outside of ABA's diaper, giving it some scruntching) YyyyYEP! Niiiiice and......Squishy! My trash truck LOVES nice and squishy diapees like yours!!!! Um nom, nom, nom,nom!!!!
Daniel walks back into the house. The cool night air made ABA shiver a bit. It wasn't the winter type cold, a slight 40 degree cool....blast of wind blew around the trash can. Daniel went to work early the next day. The sun rose incrementally in the sky, and the warm rays began to hit the diapers laying upon ABA in the can. Around 9:30 am, misses Newell came outside carrying a full 13 gallon trash can3/4 full of diapers which she put down near the can. She then began to put some of the layered diapers from on top of ABA into the can.
ABA: (Noticing misses Newell standing there tossing diapers into another can) Snorting; Uh....hey, happening? Is it ...time to...get out now?
Misses Newell: Well....sort's time to get you and all of these diapers to the dumpster.
ABA: How long will I the dumpster?
Misses Newell: Oh....maybe about or two days....
ABA: THAT...long?
Misses Newell: Yep...until my husband comes to...dump you.
Misses Newell tosses the last few diapers into the nearly over-flowing can and then with her latex exam gloves on, she reaches down and grabs ABA's left arm and begins to pull him up to his feet which then he falls to the ground, unable to use his legs.
Misses Newell: Oooops! Hey.....what's the matter with your legs? Don't they work?
ABA: Well, they keep falling asleep on me. I toss and I turn yet I could not stop it.
Misses Newell: Well, I will give you....until I come back from dumping this .....can into the dumpster, to get up and walk over. If you still can't walk, I may end up dragging you over there.
Misses Newell goes to the dumpster and sets the can down next to it then comes back to where ABA is sitting on the grass next to the 32 gallon diaper pail.
Misses Newell: Come go! (Grabbing ABA by the left arm and nearly wrenching him into walking to the dumpster) get into the dumpster!
ABA: (stumbling) Uh! Miss! Whooah! Hey!
Misses Newell: Come on! I don't have time for this! Time is now to take the trash out!
I have been looking forward to this....
ABA: Why miss?
Misses Newell: and your...diapers will be helping to generate lots and lots of useful electricity at the covanta plant. My...husband has been talking about making sure that you get lots and lots of squeezing in his hungry trash truck. Ok.....need help.....getting in there?
ABA: HEY! Why on my chest?
Misses Newell: It's wherever they doesn't matter where I dump them! You just have to deal with it!
ABA: That....Pampers come you are throwing it away?
Misses Newell: had those....thin leaky diapers in it. They are too thin and we can't use them so.....they are trash now!
Misses Newell continues to toss in lots and lots of diapers then, she tosses an unopened pack of Huggies diapers.
ABA: Why are those huggies being thrown away? The pack wasn't even opened!
Misses Newell: Well, the pack smells like smoke.....and the diapers might smell that way too. So, my husband decided to throw them away. They are trash now.
ABA: Why are you throwing my clean, unused RearzInc #Rebeldiapers in here?
Misses Newell: Be...cause. We can't use them, and they are your diapers, everything of yours is being thrown away!
ABA: Even my.....onesies, footed pajamas and clothing?
Misses Newell: Yep! Everything of yours is being thrown away!
Misses Newell empties the last diaper pail then sets the empty can down before lowering the two heavy plastic lids down.
Then she walks away.
It was dark inside the dumpster and the cool of the night gave a chill to ABA who used the diapers like covers to stay warm under. ABA fell asleep and he woke up suddenly as the lids flew open. The cool draft of air rustled the plastics of diapers and trash bags....then, a whole lot of diapers began to avalanche into the dumpster spilling out heavily over ABA. The sudden and heavy wet diapers hitting ABA up and down his entire body, from crotch to head, and legs to feet, made him jump.
The first of two 32 gallon cans full of diapers was dumped in. Then a few minutes later, a couple of 13 gallon diaper pails were dumped in. The diapers formed a pile on top of ABA completely covering him. Then, the lids were closed again and the seni-darkness resumed. The rest of the day ABA spent trying to, to effectively relax, he forced himself to climax into his diaper. Once he had accoplish this, his entire body began to feel as though it was melting into the surroundings. He quickly fell back into a deep slumber. The Evening came and not too long after, ABA did, the cool air began to filter in slowly as the earth moved into night. That night, Daniel Newell came out to the dumpster with two more full 13 gallon diaper pails. He opened the right lid and began to empty the diapers all over ABA's head, neck, and chest and all around his upper body.
Then before ABA knew it, the sun had risen. The rays of sunshine were beginning to shine down upon the lids of the dumpster, drying up any dew drops that had formed on them.
ABA had fallen asleep inside the dumpster and had tossed and turned underneath the piles of wet and messy folded-over diapers. He had awakened with such a stiffie that it was "hard" to ignore! What else was there to do other than turn over and begin the process of climaxing into his diaper again! The diapers and wipes that had been shoved down into the back of his diaper had shifted doen between his butt cheeks and the 60+ used wipes he himself had used, were making a puffy and lumpy spot in the crotch of his diaper! With the smooth, squishy wet plastic-backed diapers stuffed doen the front of his diaper, ABA had to climax into the soggy, squishy, spongy padding of the diapers stuffed down his diaper!
Sweating and his hearbeat slowing gradually, and his breathing going back to a norm, ABA flopped his arms and hands out to his sides.....unable to move.....from the toll it took from the sudden energy drain from climaxing. ABA fell back into a weakened state of slumber and was awakened by Misses Newell, emptying another full 13 gallon trash can full of mostly wet, folded-over diapers. She raised the right lid and let it hang doen from the rear of the dumpster as she emptied the can.
Misses Newell: Psheeew! Whew! Wow! Blaaaaah.....I can't....WAIT to get THIS stinky load disposed of....WHEW!
Misses Newell lowers the lid down and then takes the diaper pail back into the daycare. A few bums come over to the dumpster and raise the lid and once they get a whiff of the diapers, they drop the lid and walk away coughing and nearly gaging.
The day rolls into afternoon and nobody comes near the dumpster. ABA feels hungry and very thirsty.
Misses Newell is inside the daycare supervising naptime. ABA decides to climax into his diaper again and it takes him a lot longer this time to accomplish this time. This time, the energetic toll it takes on him puts him into a deep, deep slumber that lasts for hours. When ABA awakens suddenly to some more diapers being dumped into the dumpster from the same 32 gallon trash can he had spent time in. It was Daniel this time.
ABA: (waking with a snort) uuuuh..... Heeey! it out there?
Daniel Newell: Just dumping another trash can full of diapers.
ABA: could....I get some bottles of water and some....say milk please?
Daniel Newell: Yeah...sure....and I will bring you a pacifier that once you are done drinking, I want you to put into your nouth and keep there. Tomorrow, this dumpster is being dumped and everything is being taken to the Waste-To-Energy plant where you and everything will generate LOTS of useful energy.
ABA: Do you...HAVE to....compact me?
Daniel Newell: Yes, in this case, since there ARE so many diapers.....I do.
You and your diapers need a lot of squeezing so the time you and your diapers get to the Waste-To-Energy Plant, you and they will be a lot drier than you were.
Daniel Newell empties the full 32 gallon can into the dumpster then carries the now empty can back to where it was then goes into the house to get the bottles of drinks and the pacifier before bringing them out to the dumpster.
Daniel Newell: (Handing the bottles and Pacifier to ABA) See YOU...Tomorrow morning.....Get Ready to be a snack for my hungry trash truck....hope your dipees are ready for nice and squeezing!!!!!
Daniel puts the lid back down then walks back into the house. The afternoon soon becomes evening. The heat of the day made the smells inside the dumpster all that much worse.....ABA tried to kick off some of the diapers covering that he would be a little less hot and sweaty. ABA smelled like everything inside the dumpster. He had wetness all over him....from several soaking wet pull-ups, a few wet vintage Pampers, and four soaking wet Luvs Deluxe for boys diapers all laying with their wet padding against his skin. As The Evening rolled into night, ABA could hear crickets chirping and a few bugs buzzing along with the crinkling and rusltling of the diaper plastics inside the dumpster. Before too long, ABA got horny again inside his diapers and had to take care of it. It took ABA over 34 minutes to climax completely into the wet padding of his thick, disposable diaper. ABA slumped back, practically melting into the layers of diapers inside the dumpster. ABA awoke with a start and a snort as he felt the lids fly open and could hear the idling of a nearby diesel truck. Could THIS BE.....Daniel's trash truck...coming to...dump the load???? Suddenly, the engine shut off and a hissing sound afterwards told ABA that the truck was parked nearby. It was light outside and fairly warm. It seemed to be mid to late morning. About 30 to 40 minutes later, ABA heard what seemed like three people walking outside all talking among themselves. It could be Daniel, his wife and another woman....misses Newell brought oit another full 13 gallon trash can of wet and dirty diapers, she waited until the dumpster was down before dumping the can in on rop of ABA. Then, suddenly, the sound of a cable being unraveled and the D link being connected somewhere on the dumpster. Then the dumpster was pushed up against the edge of the hopper and the side safety catches were locked.
Daniel: Alright my little diapered be dumped into my...hungry trash truck? Boy! You...are....about to be......a snack for my MACK!
Suddenly, the dumpster begins to rise and tip forward.
ABA: Pllllllease! Plllllllease! Nooooooo! I...don't....wanna...Whooooah! Uh! Oof! Crincle, Crincle, crincle, sssssmack, (gooey slop sound)
As Daniel tipped the dumpster up higher and higher before banging the dumpster a few times to get any stubborn, loose diapers stuck inside,
ABA and the diapers had avalanched into the hopper, sliding and tumbling into the hopper up against the compactor blade.
Misses Newell took over the compactor cycle switch handles and was watching her husband detach the cable and get it wound back up using the cable wench.
Misses Newell: PeereW! Wheeeew! What...a STINKY mess! It's packer....time!!!!
Misses Newell starts the compactor cycle and as rhe blade pops open, some of the trash and more diapers from behind the blade falls back into the hopper. The compactor blade comes down and it stops. Misses Newell and Daniel look at one another then they both look down into the hopper at the loads of diapers that are covering ABA.
Misses Newell hits the second switch and the compactor blade comes down and over ABA forcefully pressing, then dragging his diapered body across the concave hopper floor.....
approximately 2,750 psi
The standard compactor truck (aka “garbage truck”) will crush anything at approximately 2,750 psi—enough pressure to pulverize a pickup truck—while its mechanical arms can lift up to 1,000 lbs.
and then forcing him and the diapers upwards into the packer container.
Then, misses Newell grabs the empty 13 gallon trash can in her left hand and gives Daniel Newell a big kiss on his lips.
Misses Newell: See you after you.
Daniel Newell: Love YOU too babe.
With that, Daniel turns and walks to the driver's side of the cab, gets in, shuts the PTO off, puts his seatbelt on, drops the truck into drive and begins driving to the next stop, a large daycare with a lot of diapers and other trash.
ABA got packed hard, against the diapers and other trash inside the packer container. Not enough to kill him, nor break any bones yet....the container had mostly loose diapers inside it with very little other trash.
Daniel drove 15 miles to the next daycare. There were a lot of stops. ABA could feel the truck stopping as the diapers shifted and moved a little bit each time the truck stopped then took off again. The constant pressure on the loads of diapers made ABA wonder if his diaper had popped or not. ABA could feel the blade pressing up against the diapers, some of which, had popped and were oozing wet, stinky super absorbent polymers all over his body, in his hair, down his back and down his belly and into his own diaper.
The truck bounced and shook quite a bit before it turned several times then stopped then backed up. ABA could hear the muffled sounds of Daniel hooking up the cable to the dumpster as he prepared to empty the large loads of loose wet and messy disposable diapers and other trash into the hopper. As the loads of diapers and trash poured out of the large dumpster and into the hopper, Daniel had to run the first of four compactor cycles. Suddenly, the compactor blade popped open and then went down to grab, crush and scoop the diapers and trash up and into the compactor container.
A rush of air came into the stinky container, the rush of foul smelling air bringing in smells that would gag a maggot waffed into the container as ABA and a bunch of diapers fell back into the hopper.
ABA: Whoooooah! Uh! (Thud!!)
Then the compactor blade came the rest of the way down and then began to scoop the loads of diapers and ABA upwards into the container.
Then, seemingly a few minutes later, after the rest of the diapers and trash were dumped into the hopper, Daniel Newell ran another compactor cycle.
The packer blade once again popped open. Again, ABA and a bunch of diapers fell back into the hopper with the new load. The blade came down near the edge of the hopper and then began to scoop and push the diapers, trash and ABA up and into the packer container again. Then Daniel Newell lowered the empty dumpster, disconnected the cable, rolled it back up, then got back into the cab and drove to the next stop, an apartment complex.
The ride to the next stop got ABA all dirty and slimy with wet diaper gels and other slimy nastiness. Daniel emptied four rather large dumpsters worth of trash, some had a few empty cardboard boxes of Huggies and Pampers diapers in the loads....aling with quite a few white force-flex trash bags with diapers in them. The compactor ran another 8 times before the truck drove to each of the next stops.
Several hours of being inside the tightly packed loads of trash, ABA was finding it harder and harder to breathe now that the truck was ready to be emptied at the Covanta Waste-To-Energy Plant.
The Truck drove and drove, starting and stopping at each intersection it passed through on its way to the covanta waste-to-energy plant .
ABA was still very much conscious and some pain just not quite as much as everyone thought he would be in.....
Daniel backed the 3/4 full rear loader trash truck up to a spot on the Covanta Plant's tipping floor.
4231 S. Elwood Avenue
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74107
(918) 764-9503
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74107
(918) 764-9503
Daniel emptied the loads of trash and diapers onto the cement tipping floor and then pulled away once the container was empty leaving ABA and a bunch of diapers laying on the floor.
Daniel pulled the now empty rear-load trash truck over to near the open doorway and then shut the engine off. He grabbed his gloves and headed to the crane operator's control room/ booth high above the large trash pit.
Once he arrived there, Daniel pointed to the piles of diapers, diapered ABA and other trash that he had just emptied.
Daniel Newell: Is there....any way that I could ask you to take that load that I just dumped?
Crane Operator: Well, the boiler is in need of....some more wet waste....I will swing over there and....pick up the just a few here....
Daniel Newell: Fan....tastic.
A few minutes later, the crane operator swung the crane over the loads of diapers and trash that ABA was laying in. ABA was too busy moaning in pain from the compacting that his body received.
He was lucky to still be awake and conscious.....just as ABA rolled over onto some of the soft, squishy, diapers, he opened his eyes to see this large crane with it's tines opened up all the way hovering over him and just begining it's desent towards him!
ABA: Heeeeeeeeeeeey! What......the.....
Before ABA could react, the crane had come down over him, the diapers and trash loads from other trucks. Suddenly, the tines closed up, crushing most of the trash inwards and trapping ABA and some diapers between the thick, heavy-duty steel clamp arms or what some call "fingers" since they serve the same purposes. Then, the crane rose up quickly and then seemed to quickly move over the pit, as it did, ABA felt the cool breeze move across him and it made him shudder.
ABA: (Grunting under some pressure) Noooooooo! PLLLLLLLEASE! Don't put me in there!!!! Hey! I KNOW you see me!
The crane carried ABA and the loads of diapers and trash over to the intake chute which was already full of other trash. It hovered over it for a few seconds until some of the trash inside had fallen into the boiler furnace.
The crane suddenly lowered down and rhen swung in low over the intake chute. ABA started to feel the ab...solutely sweltering 1800 degree heat radiating up from the boilers below. It must have been between 120 to 200 degrees in the intake chute. Occasionally steam rose from the chute as the hydraulically controlled sliding trap door would open and let in some more trash then slide closed again for a while.
Suddenly, the tines opened up and dropped the load that ABA, his diapers and other trash were in, right into the intake chute! ABA tumbled, rolled as he fell down into the chute on top of the diapers before being showered by an avalanche of the trash and diapers from above him.
ABA settled upon some carboard and sheets of plastic that draped over the edge of the intake chute like clear whispy noodles. ABA peers over the edge which is quite high above the intake trash pits. As he looked over the pits, The crane operator brought the crane back over to drop another load of more trash and quite a few diapers on top of him. Heavy trash bags began to rain down upon him, hitting him all over his body including a few coming down on his head, knocking his head down into the diapers.
ABA: Hey! Ouch! Ouch! Uh!
ABA recovered and then poked his head out again from under the trash and diapers to peer over the edge.
The crane operator brought the crane down onto the load with a thud and began using the crane to push down on the loads inside the intake chute. There were cameras on the crane that the operator used to see with. Daniel sat just behind and to the side of the operator where he could see everything happening.
Crane operator: It's...going to be another....45 minutes to an hour before he and the....diapers drop into the furnace.....
Daniel Newell: That's ok....I...have to film visual confirmation for the client that paid us to dispose of him.
Daniel texts his wife to tell her that he is at the Covanta Plant waiting for the Diapers and Diapered Trash to drop down into the furnace so he can film it for confirmation to their client.
Misses Newell texts back and tells Daniel that their client sent them another one to dispose of.
Daniel Newell: (Texting Back) OH....wonder....ful!
Misses Newell: I...KNOW.....right???
About 46 minutes go by and suddenly, the hydraulically operated, computer controlled sliding trap inlet door began to slowly slide open.
ABA tried desperately to grab hold of something to stop him only finding the hot, smooth surfaces of the intake chute to be slippery and not stopping him from falling into the hottest fire he had experienced!
ABA suddenly felt the trash and the diapers below him, begin to suddenly fall down as the sudden rush of and blast of sufficating heat began to rush over his body! ABA's diaper began to nearly instantly shrivel up as it began to melt onto his skin scalding him causing him to let out a blood-curdling primal scream as his body began to brown suddenly
before blackening as he fell down into the furnace.
Soon, there was nothing left and Daniel had filmed every excruciating scream and occurance within the burning furnace for the client that had dropped ABA off for disposal.
Daniel Newell went back to his rear loading Mack Trash Truck, got in, started the engine and drove back to the storage yard for the day. Once he did his clean-out and systems check, he left to go home to see the new diapered disposee that their client left them for disposal.
The End.
Extra Story Illustrations made for this story yet never used....
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